Protected species anti-poaching monitoring system

A system for anti-poaching monitoring in remote areas of the natural habitat of rare protected species. It provides a mobile solution for gamekeepers, enabling the rapid tracking of environmental violations with a detailed incident history log and a centralized database of relevant data.


Employees of the Hunting Supervision Service spend their working days in the vast taiga forests, hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest cell tower. Their goal is to prevent the illegal poaching of animals and violations of environmental laws, in addition to catching poachers, including repeat offenders. Prior to the implementation of the new system, upon encountering a hunter an inspector could only check the validity of hunting tickets and weapon licenses, and whether or not they had expired. In order to identify a repeat offender, inspectors had to rely only on the aforementioned information and their own memory.

Acting on the request of a wildlife protection agency, Axmor developed a system for the inspectors, consisting of a backend and a mobile application. Even in the absence of cellular connection, the system allows information pertaining to a hunter to be found in the database, enables their violation history to be checked, the documents of the violator to be photographed, and, upon reestablishment of cellular connection, the system sends the data to an operator, who subsequently draws up the relevant protocol based on the materials listed above. In addition, the application contains up-to-date directories of relevant laws that can be consulted to document a violation.


Backend and administrative console

The console aggregates data from various sources: information currently available in the database regarding hunters, licenses, and legislative reference information. Operators who receive information from inspectors work with the administrative console.

When preparing for their shift, the inspector logs in to the mobile application and downloads the latest data update to their smartphone. Even if the inspector leaves the cell coverage area and online connection is lost, all relevant and necessary information will be accessible to them.

Mobile client

The mobile application is the inspector’s primary professional tool. It acts both as a reference and as a logging system. The application removes the need for an inspector to manually type out an offense report. It is sufficient simply to photograph the violator’s documents, note down the geo-location at which the hunter was detained, and send it to the operator to initiate the investigation.

Offline mode

If an inspector is located outside the coverage area of ​​the cellular network, or in conditions of weak connection at the time an offense is documented, the application saves the inputted information in offline mode. As soon as the smartphone returns to the network coverage area, it synchronizes with the base and sends the new data to the operator.

Spring Framework
Angular 5
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